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A Variety of Visualisations created and analysed

The visualisations I find most informative are shown below, with examples and a brief description of how they display data.

More tailor-made visualisations can be found under articles.

The data used for all these example Visualisations can be found here:

The code used to make these Visualisations can be found here:

Marginal Plots

Similar to a generic scatter plot, marginal plots show the comparison of two sets of data - one on each axis. However, rather than a scatter, this plot shows the correlation between the two data sets by creating a topographic style density plot with the distribution of data on its margins.

Copy of 0.4.png
Weighted Goalscoring Score.png

Radar Charts 

These charts compare the percentile rank of multiple players for different sets of data in a circular shaped diagram.

Finding Spurs a new centre back


Intro Machine Learning

These graphs utilize the method of K-means clustering to group midfielders by type, something that could be useful when scouting specific roles. In the plot, each colour of datapoint on the scatter represents a different cluster, or "playstyle."
The k-means clustering was performed in R.


Beeswarm Plots

These plots show the general distribution of a specific set of data by plotting all the values on a single horizontal axis.

For example, the visualisation shows the spread of data for all premier league midfielders will a minimum of 1000 minutes played.

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